These days you can't tell what's real from fake.
I know I've been accused of getting a titty job but let me tell you that is far from true.
When is it too much?
I think if the tools are available why not put them to use?
Some take it to the extreme of completely transforming their body but i can agree with a little nip and tuck.
Boob job? If you had the opportunity i think 75% of women would jump on it. Even if its something as simple as a lift. I chose to never get my chest tattooed because i feel big or small, boobs are sexy, and just complete a woman.
I think curves make a woman. Natural curves that is.
Honestly i went from being a string bean to a curvy confident woman. I literally weighed nothing, super long lanky arms and legs. It was so ugly to me. Throughout the years I've filled out and learned to appreciate my curves. I really felt like a woman when i could see my ass from the side.
Honestly i went from being a string bean to a curvy confident woman. I literally weighed nothing, super long lanky arms and legs. It was so ugly to me. Throughout the years I've filled out and learned to appreciate my curves. I really felt like a woman when i could see my ass from the side.
I give props to women who work their hardest to achieve their goals and better themselves mentally and physically. It takes a lot of dedication to really upkeep a woman's body.
The more confident you are with your body and looks the more sexy and appealing you are to others. Curvalicious or bone thin you have the right to work it.
You should never change yourself or your image for another person. You were born the way you are and it should mean something to you.
It's heartbreaking to see girls fall under the pressure of TV and magazines. Woman all over the world are suffering from eating disorders to "fit in" THAT IS SUCH GARBAGE TO ME!
Trust me ladies, you don't want to fit in. It's more fun to be different and rock what your mother gave you.
Beauty is not only on the outside but always on the inside ladies.
So wise:)