Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bitch Fit.

The Internet is written in ink.

There are so many social networks today that i cant even keep up.
Let it be known that when your stuff is not private it's PUBLIC.
Still even then people can manage to hack into whatever they want and find any information they are seeking.

I have a problem with Facebook and relationships.

It's happened a few times before, that I've been in a relationship and seen shit i could have gone with out.  What some people forget is that its out there for all to see.

choose your words wisely.

If you are in a serious relationship going about adding every girl you have friends in common with is absolutely absurd.  WHY?!?!  What do they have to offer you if you're a loyal person in a relationship?

If you only know these people from the Internet or from "mutual friends" they don't need to be in your life.

I can honestly say it bothers me.

Is your inbox full of numbers?

I personally can say i don't answer half the messages i receive in my inbox.  This morning i was thinking to myself i really am going to delete any person I've never met before from my page.

They don't need to know or be in my business. 

I understand if you're a person of business, and you use it to promote and keep in touch with clients.

Other than that adding every girl you see is just ridiculous.

Yes, I'm pissy. 

Using Facebook to find a relationship is BOGUS.  I laugh at people who literally seek love through Facebook.

All in all focus on real life.  Not what some bitch is doing that you may or may not sweat but have never met.

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